LOL. =)
today just like usual..
practise dance, talk , play , day dream.
recess time, looked to the bsb court.
saw four ppl walking.
and and someone looks familar.
the tall tall one and blue blue one. x)
Nicole! haha.
she came back today with her frens.
nothing much lar, just saw them lo.
walao, today practise dance at the stage.
soo hot la.
im too hot. (x
kays, seriously.. very hot.
== sweat so much.
sweat like the old days when i play bsb everyday. D=
Wei Lao Shi dun let me play anymore.
haiz. hope Wei Lao Shi dun regret.
i know, he wont regret.
he got others pros liao ma. x)
nvm nvm. my life still goes on without bsb.
so long didn't play jorh.
everytime no PE.
miss the feeling of touching the ball.
when we were practising the dance on the stage,
so many stn 4 and 5 playin bsb nia.
really want to natch a ball from them. haha.
but really too HOT.
no mood. *Mao Dun
I Hate Playing Piano with the Stress all over Me. :')
What's Happening.
Thanks? ;)