
Why Can't You Hear?

Why Can't You Hear?
I Luv U.

:) so long didn't update blog jorh eh. haha
everytime i start to type i was like :
so many things, how to type it all out?
then lazy edi, close tab. x)
tmr going Sunway with all Gee members.
buy costume and those. :D

my family today all not at home.
Home Alone for hours.
somemore at night, never tot will be so scary.
even little sounds also makes me go crazy.
especially the sounds came from downstairs.
and and it's raining.
walao eh T_T .
10:03 PM edi.
dun dare to sleep nia. hohoho. ="=
i'll wait for my family.

You know, i never really write about you.
now i'm gonna do it.
i'm really gonna..
You sure?
OK. im gonna say it out.
I Like Him. mahaha.
who's him? you guess. (:

Be With You.