
Last Day of January .

Yesterday went Kristi Hse ! :DD
hahaha . had lots of fun there .
^^ <- aww , so long didn't use this emotion edi. xP
thanks kristi and her family so muchh .
;) actually i currently cant really rmb wad happened .
need slowly think . so go other's blog and see .
i just know i enjoyed my time there . hehehe.
today went Pyramid nia ..
but we just stayed at the Popular . LOLS !
i was bored so i walk around and found that popular are selling things that are weird and nice. :D
(: love them . hahaha .
after paying , i saw a ex-Chen Moh teacher .
you guys still rmb ? "灌篮老师" HAHAHAHA .
that's what we use to call him .
glad that he still rmb mee .
aww , i wonder does Kuang Lao Shi , Cikgu Chung , Miss Tee and Wei Lao Shi still rmb me ?
yuhh ! i want go back Chen Moh xP
Sunday i was watching 康熙来了 on Youtube .
saw 周定纬 on ittt .
i once really like him . (:
i now only know he's gud at dancing .. hahaha .

=) Don't feel weird why this post suddenly pop-up .
it doesn't matters .. you wont realize it . :P
unless you stalk my blog .
OMG ! You Stalker !! Jks .
no one stalks my blog . i know . HAHAHAHAHA .